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Record of Lygend Obi power plant project

发布日期:2020年 07月 24日 访问次数:4735次

Obi power plant project

Only sunflower to the sun

Record of Lygend Obi power plant project

Hu Gaoqiang


Obi island is one of Indonesia's ten thousand islands, which is a "not amazing" island. It has blue sea, blue sky, coconut wind, beautiful scenery and rich mineral resources. In 2018, with the investment and construction of Ningbo Lygend resources and Technology Development Co., Ltd. in the island, Lygend people set off a down-to-earth and unswerving "expedition" journey. As one of the total projects of power generation project, the staff of the power plant fully carry forward the spirit of "striving for excellence and endless diligence". They race against time, keep pace with the progress, and keep pace with responsibilities. With the persistence of sunflower to the sun, they have drawn a new and beautiful landscape in Obi island.

Based on the responsibility, check the quality and promote the safety of the whole staff


"No quality, no safety.". At the beginning of the project, the staff of the power plant should strictly follow the emphasis of the Obi project commander General Jiang Xinfang. They should focus on the safety of the project and the quality of the project. The personnel at all levels should base on their post responsibilities, give full play to their overall advantages, carry out production activities and promote overall safety.

In order to improve the quality of the project, the staff of the power plant set up temporary work place beside the construction site. Engineers and transportation inspection personnel are stationed at the site every day, based on their post work, closely following the "position" of the site construction, studying the national standards in detail, checking the drawings of the Design Institute, comparing the "truth" of the site construction, strictly regulating the requirements, and correcting the improper in time. The system is divided into regions, people to people, and posts For the post, find problems and find errors, immediately carry out process management and control, fill in the incident contact list, and require time limited closed-loop processing. And timely file the contact list and put it into the file management file, so as to achieve the safety management goal of "everyone is in charge of everything, and someone is in charge of it all the time".

"We can't just talk about progress. We should pay more attention to quality and safety. We must learn to walk on two legs, so that we can walk steadily and go far." This is what Zhang Baodong, deputy commander-in-chief of OBI project and general manager on site, has repeatedly asked at all levels of meetings.

At present, the operation and inspection personnel have found and corrected 65 unsafe quality problems in different degrees in the project, such as the steam turbine nozzle is not fully welded, the low pressure heater water level gauge does not provide the second set of water level measurement method, and the sliding support welding of feed pump inlet pipe is dead.

Based on the reality, control the nodes and mobilize all the staff


Since the Spring Festival, due to the continuous development of the epidemic situation at home and abroad, the construction period of the project has been greatly affected. How to carry out the construction work safely, efficiently, continuously and effectively, and how to complete the target tasks on time around the project nodes are a huge stone in front of all personnel. The node work is a small full stop of the construction progress. The whole power plant infrastructure is connected by 11 small nodes to form a complete full stop.

At present, the only way to fight is to fight. The staff of the power plant are firm and confident. They divided each node into specific sub items, and assigned a sub item area to the team and responsible to the individual, so that the node progress was "always responsible and everyone was concerned". In order to complete the work objectives of each node of the power plant work as soon as possible, the project leader on site based on the actual work on the island, mobilized all personnel in the island power plant to take the initiative to look for "fighters". They took the initiative to assist the power construction units in repairing diesel generators, transferring electrical equipment, laying various cables, cleaning cable trench, hanging on-site signs, etc., which greatly promoted the development of the power plant Efficient promotion of project node work. Even the newly recruited Indonesian college students have taken the initiative to take the heavy burden of inspecting the production site security work and ensuring the safe operation of the power diesel generator in the whole park at special moments.

Behind the original intention is persistence, and behind the mission is dedication. "If the power plant is not put into operation, we will not return home", which has become the consensus and voice of all levels in the island power plant.

Based on the overall situation, grasp the progress and comprehensively help tackle the key problems


"OK, Mr. Wang Biao, the commissioning scheme is under the hierarchical review by Jiangxi power construction and CCID supervision. After that, we will send it to you for approval as soon as possible..."

"Yes, Mr. Fan, all the spare parts have been purchased in Shanghai. OK, I'll check it in time on the island... "

The distance between the sea and the earth is the same. Every day, the domestic and foreign personnel of power generation project are closely linked together, based on the overall situation, to monitor the progress of the project. Through e-mail, telephone, wechat, QQ communication and other forms, timely exchange the site situation, urge domestic suppliers to ensure the delivery time, coordinate and send all kinds of equipment and goods in shortage on the island, so as to maximize the progress of construction on the island. Work on the island is busy, and the domestic personnel have not stopped. Even during the tense Spring Festival, HJF equipment procurement part has not been affected for a moment. Under the leadership of general manager Wang Biao, fan songyong, chief engineer, Shan Yugang, consultant Dong Hongchi, deputy director of electrical and instrument department Xu Hongliang and various professional engineers worked overtime day and night to carry out technical exchange, technical clarification, parameter comparison, bid negotiation twice with equipment manufacturers, and completed fan, heater, feed water pump, main transformer and 110kV The bidding work of GIS and other important power system equipment ensures the orderly development of power plant design.

At present, all power plant employees hold the attitude of "progress first". For the sake of progress, nothing is difficult, and the power plant people have to overcome the difficulties one by one. Since the factory representative can't come to the site, we try to use wechat video remote guidance; during the period of lack of equipment parts, we try to solve the problem by on-site production; the generator outlet pipe bus can't be set down, and the operators help to measure the size; the transmission and transformation lines need detailed investigation of road signs, and the staff of the power plant have conducted many on-site inspections

Based on saving the cost of guarding, making every effort to offer a miracle


It is not too much to use "good steel is on the edge" to describe the cost control of power plant staff. In order to make better use of the existing capital flow, maximize the friendly combination of production safety and capital saving, and achieve the model combination of "fish and bear's paw". At the beginning of design, the power generation Department has made up its mind to base on cost saving, ensure quality and safety, infiltrate the work of saving and increasing efficiency into all aspects of future production and operation, make full use of the wisdom and make suggestions, display the style in the construction and create benefits in the saving.

During the construction of the power plant, Mr. Wang Biao personally "took charge". The power plant Department gave full play to its experience and technical advantages, and carried out technical exchanges and demonstrations with the Design Institute for many times. After the technical control of power experts Dong Hongchi and Xu Hongliang, the procurement of generator outlet circuit breaker GCB was cancelled, which saved 12 million yuan for the company; the chief engineer, Shan Yugang, led various professional engineers with rich operation experience, finally decided to change the three wind turbine and feed water pump from the original frequency converter to the hydraulic coupling, saving the company more than 10 million yuan; after careful study of Indonesia, the company decided to replace the original frequency converter with the hydraulic coupling According to the regulations, on the premise of fully meeting the Indonesian emission standards, the height of the chimney was finally reduced from 150m to 120m with the design institute. Around the overall elevation of the power plant, Wang Biao and general manager Chen Liwei specially went to Jiangxi Electric Power Design Institute to conduct technical exchange with relevant technical personnel. After various argumentation, the overall elevation of the power plant was finally reduced from 20m to 15m At the same time, the output of circulating water pump is also reduced correspondingly, and the operation cost will be reduced in the future.

In the power plant sector, there is still a lot of such "wisdom". "It's not a real hero to be able to spend money, but it's a good skill to save money". The cost saving wisdom of power plant Department reflects the responsibility and unswerving sense of ownership for the development of the company.

Based on the fulcrum, grasp the whole and develop together wholeheartedly


"Yang Hao, Kaluo lake power distribution room needs help from our power plant to debug 10kV power distribution equipment. How about it?" "No problem. I'll contact the person in charge of the electrical and Instrument Department..."

"Shi Xin, the Karo lake water pump has been put into trial operation today. Can you arrange for your help?" "Yes, do you want me to write a start stop operation ticket?"

"Director Hu, why don't you arrange for me? Where else do I want to study? "

"The warehouse and living area need the staff of our power plant to support the entry of goods. There are a lot of applicants, so it is suggested to batch..."

The work of OBI island is like a big family, helping each other, promoting each other and developing together. The boiler elevation design document of sulfuric acid department is not clear, so we can communicate with power plant Department; limestone area of raw mine department is adjacent to coal yard area of power plant Department, so can we share a set of toilet; diesel generator in living area, Baoye district and chemical sixth construction area has broken down, and staff member Yang Weisong is not as busy as a member of power generation Department

Obi is the cause of 10000 people with one gun. The success of OBI depends on the cooperation of all departments. Shanghai Baoye's integrated pipe support enters the power plant area, and the power plant Department will cooperate with the pile foundation construction as soon as possible; the "three giants" of Jiangxi Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. for the transportation of 31 m super long grab and the unloading, transportation and storage of Lygend resources wharf will provide seamless support like flowing water

Power plant staff deeply understand a truth: a single release is not spring, a hundred flowers bloom in spring. Only when the various departments of the park are closely connected, our ob project will be full of vitality and brilliant.

Base on the market, protect honor, advance and retreat with all will


For many years, Jiangxi Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. has won the reputation of excellent work style of China Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. The Obi Island project in Indonesia is a "corner" of Jiangxi Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. in the peak period, the team of more than 570 people only aims at building safe and good power facilities for the owner and providing efficient and energy-saving operating units for Party A. Since their participation in the construction, they have withstood the pressure from all over the world and overcome numerous difficulties. They have formed a "community" wholeheartedly and diligently with their resources. They have been committed to advancing and retreating together with each other.

What is the meaning of the long sea wind? Steer the rudder and set sail. With the epidemic situation pressing on the border, how to get personnel to the island has become an intractable "incurable disease". The support forces in Indonesia organized by Jiangxi Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. have also become "sighing across the ocean", and Obi island has become the place where Jiangxi power construction has "fought back to back". "Lack of people is not an excuse. We must not lose our fighting spirit, our tradition and our honor because of the heavy task, tight schedule, few personnel and poor environment. The flag of the power plant must be erected! " Xiao Guozhong, general director of Jiangxi Power Construction Indonesia, said at the power construction middle level meeting. The sizes of all seals of superheater and water wall pipes in the boiler plant are too short, so he has to mobilize personnel immediately and spend a lot of time cutting and manufacturing again; the runout value of shaft diameter gear coupling of No.1 steam turbine is higher than the specified value, he lies down on the turbine head and analyzes the reasons without saying a word; because the construction period of the corridor is tight, he lives on the construction site, and he always coordinates to work overtime every night In order to improve the plastering speed of the control room and electronic room of the power plant, he personally led the Indonesian staff to carry out the construction, repaired the wall ash spraying machine, and splashed cement slurry all over his body.

Fear not slow, but stand. Under his demonstration and leadership, the morale of the construction site was high and the fighting spirit was full. Xie Xiaoping, the site manager of the power construction project, rolled up his sleeves to do the heavy work of laying high-voltage cables; Xu Xiang, manager of civil engineering, walked more than 20000 steps every day, measuring the "responsibility field" of the power plant with his feet; Liu Yong, the safety director, travels around every day to check the safety of facilities, the safety of inspectors, and to pacify people's emotions. His loud voice is basically no longer available on the construction site Use the walkie talkie again.

"Obi Island project is not our first project, and it will not be the last project in the end. We will certainly work with the owner to overcome the difficulties and difficulties, form a community of common destiny, advance and retreat together, strive to complete the project construction as soon as possible, resolutely defend our honor and live up to the trust of the owner." The words are like this, the oath is like a mountain.

Coconut wind bursts, blue sea Zhanzhan. Pull together in times of trouble, overcome difficulties and novel coronavirus pneumonia, and win the final victory of OBI island's overall mission. It is exactly the belief of all the participants in OBI Island sunflower as the sun.



